Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Another Indian Rhino

Yes, here is another Indian rhino--this time in acrylics.

Another rhino sketch

Here is another *gasp* rhino sketch. I know I have been neglecting this blog that I was all excited about in the beginning. Hey, what's more exciting than drawing a rhino every day?;) I did this one on drafting film. It is, in fact, my first experience with drafting film, so I didn't know what I was doing. As i am pretty much still a novice with colored pencils, maybe I wasn't ready for drafting film. Anyway, this is an Indian rhino. These rhinos are one of only two of the species that have one horn.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A rhino sketch

Yes, I know I named this blog the daily rhino, so why haven't I been posting daily? I guess I've been overcome with laziness. I have also been fairly busy. But, I did manage a rhino a sketch a couple of days ago. I had planned on doing a big post on May 1st as it is Save the Rhino Day, but didn't get to it. Poor rhinos, I have been neglecting you. Please forgive me! I will make it up to you. I hope...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Rhinos in Love

I started these guys quite some time ago, but recently came across the drawing and decided to work on it more. This was a drawing from a photo that I snatched from a rhino blog that is not public domain, but I'm just doing this for myself as practice with colored pencil and certainly do not have any intention of selling it. These guys are two Sumatran rhinos and as I really have not come across any public domain photos of Sumatrans, this is my only way of drawing them. I found this photo so incredibly sweet. Rhino sweethearts... I do plan on taking a trip to the Cincinnati zoo this summer and they do have Sumatran rhinos, so I hope I can come away with some good photos of my own.

On another rhino note, my friend informed me that she saw "Growing up Rhino" on Animal Planet yesterday. It was part of their "Growing Up..." series. So, I spent some time investigating when or if this is going to repeat. And yes, it is going to repeat! It will air again on April 23rd at 9:00 AM, so I am going to have to remember that and set my VCR. I figured if I document it here, I will be more likely to remember...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Singing Rhino ATC

I've drawn and painted this guy before, but this is the first time in colored pencil. I plan on sending him out as an artist's trading card for the trade that I'm way behind in. He (or she) is an Indian rhino. You can tell by the fact that he has one horn and very bumpy, wrinkly hide. I think he looks like he's singing...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My first rhinos...

These are the dudes (or I should probably say dude and dudette) that started my rhino journey. For some reason, after I drew this picture, I became obsessed. I wanted to start this blog with this drawing for the very reason that it was my first. I will probably include some other rhinos that I have already drawn or painted, but hopefully, I will be focusing on new work. And I know I said daily, but let's shoot for almost daily.