Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First rhino sketch of 2010

Maybe I will try to post here more often. A rhino or elephant a week, maybe?

Monday, April 13, 2009

A pachyderm of another sort...

So, you say: "Psst! Hey, guess what Anne, these guys aren't rhinos! Yes, I do know, so just keep quiet about it. Somewhere on this blog, it does say "and sometimes elephants," so I thought it was time to post an elephant. In fact, I think I'm going to allow other animals too, just so I can post more often. I really do not draw a rhino per day...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A rhino that is not all that exciting, but is still a rhino nonetheless...

Yes, my title says it all. I haven't posted to this particular blog in ages and decided it was time, even if the rhino is not all that exciting. It was done in with watercolor and a bit of ink. I wanted to do something in color after spending the past few months working pretty much solely with graphite, but the colors ended up looking muddy rather than colorful. I don't really know how to use watercolor. When I do, I just play blindly and hope for somewhat acceptable results. This rhino is in actuality a black rhino, but I will just call him a muddy rhino. Rhinos are usually full of mud anyway, so I guess my muddy colors may just suit him.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Another Indian Rhino

Yes, here is another Indian rhino--this time in acrylics.

Another rhino sketch

Here is another *gasp* rhino sketch. I know I have been neglecting this blog that I was all excited about in the beginning. Hey, what's more exciting than drawing a rhino every day?;) I did this one on drafting film. It is, in fact, my first experience with drafting film, so I didn't know what I was doing. As i am pretty much still a novice with colored pencils, maybe I wasn't ready for drafting film. Anyway, this is an Indian rhino. These rhinos are one of only two of the species that have one horn.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A rhino sketch

Yes, I know I named this blog the daily rhino, so why haven't I been posting daily? I guess I've been overcome with laziness. I have also been fairly busy. But, I did manage a rhino a sketch a couple of days ago. I had planned on doing a big post on May 1st as it is Save the Rhino Day, but didn't get to it. Poor rhinos, I have been neglecting you. Please forgive me! I will make it up to you. I hope...